Tag Archives: transmedia

WRITING, ETC.: Links Roundup Aug 3-9

I spend a lot of time on Twitter. One of my main functions there is collecting and reposting interesting links. But a tweet, or a retweet, is so ephemeral. It vanishes into the livestream within minutes. So, I thought — I’ve wanted to do more here at The Diversionist and a collection of said links might be a good way to make them a little more permanent.

I figured I’d start with a week’s worth of links – which comes out to the grand number of 64! Here goes…

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My webseries Inhuman Condition – my passion project, which I have loved and shepherded for two years and relentlessly promoted for the last few months – has been selected to receive IPF funding. In short: We’re going to series!!

What does this mean? The details are scarce, as Smokebomb will be firming up official plans now that we’ve got the greenlight. It’s my personal hope that we’ll be in production before end of the year and release early next, but there’s no official word on that, so don’t quote me. Episode count and length, also unconfirmed, though I’ll let you all know the moment it’s officially firmed up.

What can you do to support us? Well, first off – many of you have already been amazingly helpful by participating in our IPF campaign, so I want to take a second to THANK YOU for helping make this possible! We – literally-  couldn’t have done this without your support and enthusiasm.

But, you say — the past is the past and we want to participate now. Well, thankfully, there’s plenty you can do – by engaging with our ongoing campaign & transmedia and, hopefully, having a bit of fun with us!

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