My webseries Inhuman Condition – my passion project, which I have loved and shepherded for two years and relentlessly promoted for the last few months – has been selected to receive IPF funding. In short: We’re going to series!!

What does this mean? The details are scarce, as Smokebomb will be firming up official plans now that we’ve got the greenlight. It’s my personal hope that we’ll be in production before end of the year and release early next, but there’s no official word on that, so don’t quote me. Episode count and length, also unconfirmed, though I’ll let you all know the moment it’s officially firmed up.

What can you do to support us? Well, first off – many of you have already been amazingly helpful by participating in our IPF campaign, so I want to take a second to THANK YOU for helping make this possible! We – literally-  couldn’t have done this without your support and enthusiasm.

But, you say — the past is the past and we want to participate now. Well, thankfully, there’s plenty you can do – by engaging with our ongoing campaign & transmedia and, hopefully, having a bit of fun with us!

WATCH, SHARE, LIKE, SUBSCRIBE: We’re a webseries in a visual medium, so a key part of boosting our signal is helping make sure our videos spread like wildfire. That means watching them (viewcounts show interest), liking them (likes show enthusiasm), commenting (to kickstart discussion and develop fandom) and subscribing (to demonstrate to The Powers That Be that you wanna see more).

To make things easier, I’ll embed the bulk of the videos here so you can check them out:

That about rounds up Smokebomb’s coverage of the series to date. There’s trailers, clips and behind the scenes clips too, all of which gives a sense of what we’re doing with the series.

ENGAGE AND EXPLORENot only are we developing the series, we’re also building a comprehensive storyworld: a full universe that stretches out before the series launches and, presuming a great future, between seasons and potentially after the show finished. It’s what I like to call The Inhumanverse.

Developed through social media and extensions of the parent series, this is a chance to dig into the world we’re building in greater depth, while learning more about the characters at the heart of the show.


Part of the greater Inhuman Condition experience is hearing the characters speak from their own perspectives. And we’ve developed some fun ways to dig into one of our favourite characters from the series: Clara, the young patient from the above clips, who is struggling with the development of a disease that will destroy her mind and take control of her body.

There are many sides to Clara, who has a rich inner history that we won’t have as much opportunity to explore in the series proper as we might want. After all, there’s lots that Clara and Dr. Kessler won’t need to discuss – especially things Kessler was there for at the time!

We’ve developed two portals to see into Clara’s inner life: Angry Dead Girl, her political blog that explores issues of Otherhuman rights in the Inhumanverse; and, written under a pseudonym, In the Hills, the story of how Clara went from an angry teenage girl to the thoughtful young woman of the series – written from her own perspective, as she remembers it. Both of these portals will be gearing up for more activity now that the series is officially on the books, so bookmark, comment, and enjoy!

Social Media

Clara, as a social justice warrior, also has an active social media presence. At @DeadGirlWalks_, her Twitter account, she pursues justice and understanding – while occasionally letting the mask over her own problems slip, revealing important things about herself. Joining her on Twitter is werewolf friend Linc at @LincWolf, a profane, angry and irreverent figure who has begun to be disillusioned that social change – and peace between humans and Otherhumans – is even possible.

Following one or the other offers fun, but the full experience, particularly of watching the embattled friendship between these two develop and chance – comes from following both, and even reading back through their feeds.

Plus, our general Inhumanverse feed is on Twitter (@WeAreAllInhuman) and Tumblr (We Are All Inhuman), offering a fun wider look at the world of Inhuman Condition.

One great thing about Twitter – you can talk with us in-character! If you tweet at Clara or Linc, I’ll be on hand to respond as they would. Wanna get schooled about lycan rights or anti-Walker legislation? You can! And if you tweet at our general IHC account, Carrie and Dillon are happy to engage with you about the world of Inhuman Condition.

Support the Team

Interested in following what’s going on behind the scenes? Want to support the team and see what else they’ve got cooking? Here;s the social media accounts for the rest of us Inhumans!

My Twitter: @rjlackie
Smokebomb’s Twitter: @Smokebomb_Ent
Steph’s Twitter: @StephInTeeVee
Carrie’s Twitter: @CarrieHayden87
Dillon’s Twitter: @dillontaylor
Jay’s Twitter: @bennettjay 

That’s me (creator & writer), Smokebomb themselves, and then the whole team – Steph (associate producer), Carrie (social media genius), Dillon (social media genius #2) and Jay (the big boss).

In Closing…

That’s where we currently stand. A vivid transmedia campaign, lots of videos to flesh out the world… and this is only the beginning. Keep your eyes peeled.

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