Tag Archives: Food

SOCIAL MEDIA: What Do I Use, When and Why?

Over the summer, I had a lot of free time. One of my big projects this summer was trying to get into, and find a use for, social media in my day-to-day life. And I think I was largely successful. Following is a breakdown of what social media paltforms I’m using, how often, and why…

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Lackie Eats in Toronto

I love food. Adore it. It’s one of my favourite things. However, in a world surrounded by vegetarians, vegans, and those with horrible food allergies, I find myself with my own food-based issue. It may not be something attached to consequences like pain or bloating, but it does make the food landscape a little more challenging.

I like it simple. I’m not a fan of condiments or sauces; not a big fan of sauces or marinades. Most vegetables turn me off a meal, as do ‘weird’ textures. This means that most expensive foods are off the table, and I find myself seeking out simple meals when restaurants are loathe to offer foods that don’t come covered in a thousand ancillary ingredients. I eat for pleasure, and there are a lot of things that turn me off. This means that a schnitzel that’s designed to be delicious with lettuce, tomato and mayo may leave me cold, or a souvlaki made with a tzatziki companion in mind may taste bland.

So, if you’re like me, you want to know where some of the simple pleasures of the downtown Toronto may be found. Well, here’s a brief list of the best I’ve found, dining in Toronto for two years…

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